You know how it goes, first an "ouch" then a tear or two, followed by gallons of tears, sobbing, screaming, running away... Poor girl. We even employ the wonderful de-tangler spray but even that sometimes doesn't work well enough. So I said to her what mothers of all eras have said to their little long haired beauties "Beauty knows no pain." She replied "This beauty knows plenty of pain!" So then I said we could cut her hair off so the pain would be less & she got all excited and said "LET'S DO IT!" So we did & here it is... (By the way, Daddy doesn't know yet. He'll see it when he picks up his little girly on his way home from work from her playdate - Michael wonders if he'll know who she is!!!)

Not sure why I didn't take a before picture but it was down to the bottom of her shoulder blades in the back, which is about the end of this next picture!

So totally cute! I love the new look! Hopefully there will be less tangles. Super cute pretty girl!
Very cute!
Nick said to me one Saturday morning: "what is this Saturday morning ritual you have? You take Alison into the bathroom and then she starts crying." I replied, "oh no, this isn't just a Saturday thing. It's everyday you just aren't here to hear it."
I'm thinking I will cut her hair too.
i have the same problem with emma. her hair is the epitome of difficult to comb/brush. it is a constant battle. however, whenever i say we could cut it, she immediately answers NO WAY!! so she endures and i continue to try ways to do her hair with less pain..detangler is a joke doesn't work. we have to often braid her hair at night and that helps with limiting the snangles in the morning!! oh, btw....what a beauty and a cutie!!
Wow, it's been a while since we cut Michael's hair & I think it is so cute but I was just looking at some old pics of those pretty, long, braids & wondering how I could have cut them off!
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