Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Baby Is wearing Makeup...Just for Dress Up

Michael Anne loves to play dress up. I decided to give in and let her have some play makeup of her own in order to spare my supply! Don't worry though, I've instructed her quite well and she knows that only hooker kids wear makeup outside of their home before they are in Young Women/Junior High. I guess that's an okay age for such things as makeup, leg shaving and the like. She just finished dressing in her beautiful gown and exclaimed as she looked in the mirror "I LOVE being a princess!"

Ever wonder why little girl makeup always comes with blue eye shadow and Tinker bell pink lipstick? Maybe it is so moms won't let their kids out of the house with it on...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Stolen Photographs...Too Pretty Not to Share

The following pictures are stolen from my friend Alisa's blog. Her husband took these photos in Texas and they remind me of Panama. They are so pretty I had to poach them and post them on my own blog so I can look at them all the time!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


For those of you who check my blog via blog reader, I tried to post a video taken from my phone but clicking on the link to it took you to my Verizon account so when I realized that I realized that I was still logged in to it and logged out. Sorry, I'll try to figure it out so you can see my pretty little baby another day! For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about it was a little video of Addison learning to play on her play mat. She has begun to swat very purposefully at the toys that dangle from it and of course I think that she is brilliant to be able to do that!!!

What Sweet Girls!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Sword in the Stone's Madam Mimm

So this is totally not nice but I couldn't believe it when I saw this woman the other day. Doesn't she look exactly like the witch in that old movie The Sword in the Stone?
I saw her at McDonald's when I took Michael Anne there to play in the playland. My parents met us there after a funeral they had attended and so I had my mom pretend I was taking a picture of her but instead I sneakily photographed this infamous character come to life! It's not the greatest picture since my phone is a piece of junk but I think the resemblance is uncanny.