Michael Anne loves to play dress up. I decided to give in and let her have some play makeup of her own in order to spare my supply! Don't worry though, I've instructed her quite well and she knows that only hooker kids wear makeup outside of their home before they are in Young Women/Junior High. I guess that's an okay age for such things as makeup, leg shaving and the like. She just finished dressing in her beautiful gown and exclaimed as she looked in the mirror "I LOVE being a princess!"

Ever wonder why little girl makeup always comes with blue eye shadow and Tinker bell pink lipstick? Maybe it is so moms won't let their kids out of the house with it on...
Hey, yes, let's do get together this week. I am quite flexible. I'll call TL since I don't have your number. (Not sure if I want to leave my number in a comment, totally over-paranoid!)
Totally NOT over-paranoid!! I just found out I'm busy Monday night but I'm good during the day. I'll call TL in a minute too. I'm excited to see you again...it's been forever, since you got married I think.
She looks beautiful! Its so fun to have a girly-girl.
Julie, didn't you get to shave your legs and wear a little makeup in 5th grade?
5th grade? I don't think so...
Actually, I remember shaving my legs for the first time. It was when we lived in Maryland between the 6th and 9th grades. I believe makeup made its debut then too. Unfortunately I have the school photos as a reminder!!!
I definitely agree that the blue eye shadow and bright pink lipstick are to detract the early use of makeup too. Or maybe so they can see what they're doing. She looks great!
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