Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Playground Fun

We've finally been enjoying some warmth and summer sunshine. It isn't too hot yet and the girls and I are really having a good time at the playground and taking long walks in the neighborhood. Addi usually just gets a nice nap in the shade of a tree or harnessed to her mommy and Michael gets to run around and get her wiggles out, making nap/bed time a real success! Michael has recently become very interested in bird watching so we always bring along the Utah birds field guide. It is interesting to me too as I don't know too many of the birds around here. I remember when I first came up to Utah to go to BYU I kept seeing this little brown bird with a red belly. I didn't know what it was but they were everywhere so I went to the library and looked it up...it was a robin! Not the Macaws and Quetzals or Harpy Eagles of Panama's rainforests but it was a pretty little bird. So far Michael has identified the Common Yellowthroat, Gambel's Quail, the Black-billed Magpie, Pigeons, and the Killdeer. In one of the pictures below you can see her studying her field guide while out on a walk.
Here are some photos of the fun we've been having so far this summer...

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