Saturday, March 28, 2009
Everything is Amazing & Nobody is Happy
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fun Questions to Ask Your Kid
If you decide to do this with your child/children it will give you a pretty good sense of what they think of you so be prepared for tenderness, bewilderment, and a reality check of the best/worst kind!
So here are the 20 questions and Michael Anne's responses (keep in mind ((especially when you read #6))- she's 5). My thoughts & clarifications are in parenthesis.
1. What is something mommy always says to you?
I love you!
2. What makes mommy happy?
Me & Addi
3. What makes mommy sad?
NOT me & Addi
4. How does your mommy make you laugh?
tickling me
5. What was your mommy like as a little girl?
She liked her mommy & her friends
6. How old is your mommy?
60 (Seriously...that's almost double my age!)
7.What is her favorite thing to do?
play with me & Addi
8. What does your mommy do when you're not around?
plays with Addi
9. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
you'd become a famous writer
10. What is your mom really good at?
giving me kisses
11. What is your mom not very good at?
oh, I know... umm, no I don't. I don't know anything you're not good at (that earned her a bowl of strawberry icecream...good girl Michael Anne)!
12. What does your mom do for her job?
teach (remember Mikey, mommy doesn't go to work anymore) right, teach me how to read
13. What's your mommy's favorite food?
salmon (it's actually lobster)
14. What makes you proud of your mommy?
her giving me kissies & taking me to playdates
15. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
mamma, is Hannah Montana a cartoon? (No baby she is not) okay then I pick Scooby Doo
16. What do you and your mom do together?
17. How are you and your mom the same?
we like playing
18. How are you and your mommy different?
you like tomatoes & I don't
19. How do you know your mom loves you?
she gives me kissies
20. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Michael's 6 inch Haircut!
You know how it goes, first an "ouch" then a tear or two, followed by gallons of tears, sobbing, screaming, running away... Poor girl. We even employ the wonderful de-tangler spray but even that sometimes doesn't work well enough. So I said to her what mothers of all eras have said to their little long haired beauties "Beauty knows no pain." She replied "This beauty knows plenty of pain!" So then I said we could cut her hair off so the pain would be less & she got all excited and said "LET'S DO IT!" So we did & here it is... (By the way, Daddy doesn't know yet. He'll see it when he picks up his little girly on his way home from work from her playdate - Michael wonders if he'll know who she is!!!)

Not sure why I didn't take a before picture but it was down to the bottom of her shoulder blades in the back, which is about the end of this next picture!

Friday, March 6, 2009
Some Fun & Random Pictures
Meet GEORGE. Michael made & married George. He's a bit of an Air Head, but very amiable.
Michael during a READING lesson. This is a GREAT program, Frontline Phonics (click here for a link to their site - it's kinda expensive but Derek got a deal on EBay)!
Working on her "HOMEWORK" Let's hope she's still so excited for homework in the years to come!
Comfort Food, mom's Lasagna. This was the first time I'd ever made it & it was delish!
Family DINNER, even Adds loved the lasagna
Our version of ANTS on a LOG, we used chocolate chips as there were no raisins available.
Michael got this brilliant idea to soak her feet & Addi got a brilliant idea to splash in the water!
Family Home Evening
FHE, adapted from the Friend magazine (click here for a link). Match the scriptures with the picture of someone showing faith in God.
How to have FAITH
Addison has discovered that THE BOX is the MOST FUN of ALL
Brenden setting up HIS Experiment for the Science Fair
Michael Anne setting up Her OWN Experiment
Michael Anne carefully preparing her Labels

The Lima Bean Plants (oddly, Michael's grew & Brenden's didn't even break the surface so we used the data from her's for the science fair project!)

Watering the precious Lima Beans (they're still growing strong)!
Michael Anne wants to grow the beans & smash them up for Addi to eat, what a thoughtful sister.
Addison is a little TORNADO. Here's what she did to their nice & neatly organized closet.
Playing with Sis in THE BOX

Addi Climbs the Stairs - she's been doing this for a while now

Michael Anne chillin' at the Nu Skin store in Provo

Addi & cousin Kate playing House

Michael looking rather Pretty at Church

Michael Anne Rock Star Johnson & her homemade Guitar
Valentine's Day

We had a nice Valentine's brunch after Michael & I returned home. I made heart-shaped pancakes & some spread raspberry jam on them, which I think made them look like bloody hearts. Even Addison got in on the good stuff & enjoyed her Valentine pancakes too!
Finally, before Brenden had to head out for his date to the Sweetheart's Dance at school, we all exchanged Valentine cards which Michael Anne totally loved! We even made her a little box to keep them in & now 6 days into March she still gets them out & looks at them!!!
Isn't he handsome in his PINK shirt!?! They wore pink & brown & we thought he looked smashing! Not sure what that smile is all about but he really looked nice. His date, April, also looked very nice & supposedly there are pictures from the dance to prove it but we haven't seen any yet!!!

Welcome Home! Isn't this the coolest!!! A little Valentine decor made with my fancy Cricut Expressions machine.
Sick, Sick Babies...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Christmas 2008
Michael Anne & Audrey A baby is born! Oh Dear!
What great Doctors these two make!