So it's been awhile since I posted some pictures and told a little about what we've been up to so here are some pictures of the last days of summer. Enjoy!
A Visit to BYU and the Dinosaur Museum
Feeding the Ducks
Having Some Lunch (different day)

Yikes! Don't Eat My Baby!!!

Watch Out Michael Anne!

Wow, look at that!

I'M BACK - Next Day
Mommy & Addi at BYU
Love those Wasatch Mountains!
Michael's Soccer Jersey We Made at Home with Her Name on the Back
The Park Here in Orem Swarms with Soccer all Summer Long.
Michael was Pretty Excited about it and We Often Stopped to Watch the Kids Practice or Play Games. Sometimes She'd Pick up a Little Game on the Sidelines with other Little Brothers & Sisters of the Players so I Started taking her there during the Day when the Fields were Empty for Soccer Practice. It was REALLY Fun for Both of Us Until it Started Getting TOO Cold Outside! (Who plays soccer in the cold?...I guess everyone in the Northern Hemisphere...Geez!)
My Little Monkey Up a Tree!

She Climed this Tree all By Herself! Reminded Me of the Good Old Days Scaling Trees in the Rainforest of Panama & Playing in the Cashew Tree where the SPAZ Club Met with Milk Cart Seats & Shelves for our Books & Other Treasures.

Well, I'm doing these Updates in the mornings when the kiddos are still sleeping and Addi is just waking up so I'll be going again, probably until tomorrow. I still have other pictures to upload from the summer so check back again soon. Ta Ta For Now!

She Climed this Tree all By Herself! Reminded Me of the Good Old Days Scaling Trees in the Rainforest of Panama & Playing in the Cashew Tree where the SPAZ Club Met with Milk Cart Seats & Shelves for our Books & Other Treasures.

Well, I'm doing these Updates in the mornings when the kiddos are still sleeping and Addi is just waking up so I'll be going again, probably until tomorrow. I still have other pictures to upload from the summer so check back again soon. Ta Ta For Now!
Yeah for pictures.
Fun pictures...i am in the same boat, as soon as I sit down someone needs me. I try to blog at night and sacrifice sleep. I love the soccer jersey. Is Micheal into sports as well as being a princess? if so, good balance!
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