As of today our little Addison Nicole is a whopping 9 months old! Can you believe it??? (I've been waiting for the day to borrow Melissa's nifty title to this post. Very clever Melissa!) We have been so blessed to have this sweet little angel baby in our home. She is so happy and makes the funniest scrunchy faces. Every morning she wakes up with a big smile for mommy and loves to snuggle and play with her big sister. She enjoys bath time and eating new foods (which often lead to baths). She likes to wave and smile at everyone. Addi is a busy baby, crawling all over the place. She enjoys playing in her room with Michael Anne and helping mommy sweep the floor with her jammies (oops). She is learning to crawl up the stairs and getting into daddy's cds. She is good at showing us what she needs with her wee little hands. We especially love her "milk hands" and all of her own signs she has for different things. Everyday we find ourselves smiling and laughing with our little one. She is such a good baby and such a joy to each of us.
Addi we love you too! We are so excited to give you hugs and kisses!
what a doll! Happy nine months!!
I can't believe how big she is getting! She is so dang cute! i found your blog from a girl that use to work here! Have a Merry Christmas!
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