Addi always seems to be under my feet in the kitchen which can be a bit of a dangerous problem so we finally went out and bought her a
groovy new, green Chicco highchair so I can strap her in and she'll still feel "in" on whatever I'm doing since she's up high enough to see the counter tops and stove.
Inadvertently, it is also nice to have to feed her in although she does really well sitting on your lap while having food shoveled in!
It is pretty sweet and
she loves it most of the time. Here are a few pics of her in her new digs.
Isn't she the cutest ever!
What have you done to me????
Awwww, she is so cute!!!
I feel really bad that we didn't get to spend more time together. This trip was kind of crazy and not as easy as when I traveled with just one! I'm still at the mercy of Andrew's nap schedule.
Next time, let's plan better! It was great to see you, even if it was for just a bit. Your kids are darling!
Thanks Amy. I know, I wish we could have gone to dinner or lunch or something or just visit while the kids played. Guess it didn't help to be carless while you were here! Well, I have to say your little Andrew is a doll. He's so cute & Alison is getting so big and pretty as ever.
I hope your flight home today is a good one!
I just read your last post and although I haven't checked out your new blog yet, I thought I'd tell you what the Italian family made while I lived with them for their little one. About every 2-3 days we'd boil veggies in a little water until softened and then puree them in a food processor. Next we'd cook up some chicken and puree that too. So, for lunch and dinner we would cook a small batch of the tiny star pasta, add a little olive oil at the end, then for lunch we'd add some of the pureed veggies and some ricotta cheese. For dinner, we'd add some pureed veggies and some chicken. The mother was VERY meticulous about nutrition. I usually make my babies' foods...just cook in advance and keep in the fridge. I mix the foods (veggies) with rice cereal to make them go further. The only time I use Gerber is when we're on the go and I can't bring my other stuff. Gerber puts a lot of extra stuff in their food to preserve. Anyhow, good for you for making nutritious meals! Unfortunately as long as we live by Grandma our family will be dining at fast food restaurants! :) But we don't mind, because at least we get to spent time with Grandma.
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