Saturday, May 31, 2008

Look, they are "Matchers"

So everyone, including us, think the girls look the same but until tonight I hadn't actually put their photos together to really see if indeed they are matchers as Michael used to say of her same colored clothing. So here it goes. Can you guess which baby is which? I'll post the answers later.
Baby A

Baby B

I've decided that I'm too tired so I'll put up more for fun later.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Addison's Ear Piercing

I think growing up in Latin America and seeing 90% of all baby girls with their ears pierced really stuck with me and I always said my little girls would have pierced ears too. I just love it and so this is one thing we have now made a tradition in our family. So in keeping with Michael's pretty pierced ears we took Addi to get her ears pierced the day after her 2 month shots. The Piercing Pagoda was the place, same as Michael's. They did a great job and for those of you who may think it is cruel to pierce baby ears just keep in mind that she cried more with her shots than she did with the piercing and I cried more than she did when Michael's were done but boy they are cute.
Now I tell Addi that not only is she the prettiest little girl on the planet but she is also the fanciest!!!

Virgin Ears

Good Luck Kiss from Michael Anne

Mommy with Addi Before the BIG Event

Daddy & Addi After

Michael Playing at the Piercing Pagoda

Sleeping Addi with Fancy Ears

Fancy Addison on Sunday (dress c/o Aunt Maria & blanket c/o Aunt Stephanie when MA was born)

Random Bath Time Picture

Happy Mother's Day to Me (and to you)!

Mother's Day was wonderfully nice this year but the day before was a little less desirable...
Our ward was having a special, "secret" meeting "just for kids" on Saturday (to make gifts for their moms). Michael was so excited to go. All week she was double and triple checking several times a day to make sure we were going to take her to her "special meeting just for kids." That morning I got her up and dressed. I did her hair and was about to feed her some breakfast but she said she needed to go to the bathroom. On the way she puked up her guts all over the floor, the tile...thankfully. Poor baby girl, she was so sick. I ran to her and held her up with one arm and her hair back with the other hand while her little body lurched and wretched for what seemed like forever to her. That was the beginning of a day full of barf. Poor kid, she just laid there on a towel on the floor of the family room with her pillow, a bucket and washcloth watching old school Scooby Doo cartoons on Boomerang. We love Scooby Doo in this house and I think he helped her feel a little better between pukes.
Thankfully, Michael felt much better on Sunday and the rest of us were spared whatever germs got to her so we ended up having a nice dinner with my mom and Derek took some pretty pictures of his girls with the beautiful roses he had sent to me. I love flowers and have had to convince him over the years that they are much more than a thoughtless gift to me, they are gorgeous I love them and I love it when he brings them home for me. I love looking at them on the table or counter and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors indoors for a while. My sister in law, Keri, once posted on her blog in response to a "tag" question, what would you do if you became a billionaire?, one of her responses was that she'd always have fresh flowers in her home and I thought that would be a very, very nice treat to have in my home too.
The next day we drove down to Orem to visit with mom Johnson. It was very nice to see her and let her hold Addison for some time, funny how we don't live all that far away but sometimes it seems like forever between visits. We are very lucky to have family so close!

Pretty Little Ballerina

Michael has never had dance lessons but she loves to dress up and dance. She checked out a book from the library about a Ballet School and she opens up the pages and practices the moves the little girls are doing in the book, it is so cute. So every aspiring ballerina needs her gear and here is Michael sporting a new little dancing ensemble and of course a ribbon just like the little girls in the book! Isn't she darling!?!

Here is our little ballerina playing with her new set of Polly Pockets. Here is the story of the Polly Pockets...
Yesterday we were out shopping and as we walked through the isles of clothes racks she started screaming a painful & loud scream. When I looked down at her she was holding her left ear. A pair of pants hanging on the rack had a big belt buckle that had a hook that hooks into the holes on the belt. It was pretty pointy and had hooked her in the crook of the top of her ear, where you might see an extra ear ring on some people. It cut her little ear so I took her to the customer service desk and put her up on the counter so I could get a better look. The store wasn't very helpful but she will be okay. What's funny though is that the whole way from the scene of the accident to the customer service desk and during the doctoring we did on her ear and through the tears and bloody ear her little mind was at work concocting a plan to play on the sympathies of her mommy and grandma to get the precious Polly Pockets she had been begging for all along! Well it worked. She is so dang smart!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Playground Fun

We've finally been enjoying some warmth and summer sunshine. It isn't too hot yet and the girls and I are really having a good time at the playground and taking long walks in the neighborhood. Addi usually just gets a nice nap in the shade of a tree or harnessed to her mommy and Michael gets to run around and get her wiggles out, making nap/bed time a real success! Michael has recently become very interested in bird watching so we always bring along the Utah birds field guide. It is interesting to me too as I don't know too many of the birds around here. I remember when I first came up to Utah to go to BYU I kept seeing this little brown bird with a red belly. I didn't know what it was but they were everywhere so I went to the library and looked it was a robin! Not the Macaws and Quetzals or Harpy Eagles of Panama's rainforests but it was a pretty little bird. So far Michael has identified the Common Yellowthroat, Gambel's Quail, the Black-billed Magpie, Pigeons, and the Killdeer. In one of the pictures below you can see her studying her field guide while out on a walk.
Here are some photos of the fun we've been having so far this summer...