Mother's Day was wonderfully nice this year but the day before was a little less desirable...
Our ward was having a special, "secret" meeting "just for kids" on Saturday (to make gifts for their moms). Michael was so excited to go. All week she was double and triple checking several times a day to make sure we were going to take her to her "special meeting just for kids." That morning I got her up and dressed. I did her hair and was about to feed her some breakfast but she said she needed to go to the bathroom. On the way she puked up her guts all over the floor, the tile...thankfully. Poor baby girl, she was so sick. I ran to her and held her up with one arm and her hair back with the other hand while her little body lurched and wretched for what seemed like forever to her. That was the beginning of a day full of barf. Poor kid, she just laid there on a towel on the floor of the family room with her pillow, a bucket and washcloth watching old school Scooby Doo cartoons on Boomerang. We love Scooby Doo in this house and I think he helped her feel a little better between pukes.
Thankfully, Michael felt much better on Sunday and the rest of us were spared whatever germs got to her so we ended up having a nice dinner with my mom and Derek took some pretty pictures of his girls with the beautiful roses he had sent to me. I love flowers and have had to convince him over the years that they are much more than a thoughtless gift to me, they are gorgeous I love them and I love it when he brings them home for me. I love looking at them on the table or counter and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors indoors for a while. My sister in law, Keri, once posted on her blog in response to a "tag" question, what would you do if you became a billionaire?, one of her responses was that she'd always have fresh flowers in her home and I thought that would be a very, very nice treat to have in my home too.
The next day we drove down to Orem to visit with mom Johnson. It was very nice to see her and let her hold Addison for some time, funny how we don't live all that far away but sometimes it seems like forever between visits. We are very lucky to have family so close!