Getting Ready for Baby
A Little Family Time

My Brave Girl (Michael Anne watched practically the entire delivery & she wasn't even sacred one bit - more amazed than anything)

Hey This Wasn't Supposed to Hurt!

Here She Is!

Good Job Kiss from Michael Anne

Proud Daddy

Pretty Little Ga-Ga

Mommy's Girls

Daddy's Little Ladies

Not Enough Oxygen

Getting Ready to Transport to Primary Children's

Hooked Up to All the Monitors

Daddy Taking Baby's Temp. (They let us care for her as much as possible)

Oxygen/Humidifying Tent

Addi After Surgery W/O the O2 Tent

Home & Happy With Big Sister

We've been so blessed to have our little Addison home with us for a week now. She has been doing very well and will begin having her follow up appointments with her doctors this week. Michael is adjusting to having a littler person around and loves to help take care of her baby sister. It is also fun for us to watch Michael growing up and being a little more responsible for herself and so concerned for mommy. She is a great helper. One other cool thing is how much love a new baby brings into a home. I find myself even more in love with Derek every time I look at our little girls and think of our family together forever. This is the greatest gift.
How nice to be home! How fun it is to see pictures of your cute girls! We are so glad everything is going so well. Love you tons!
Michael Anne looks like such a great big sister!
To make a your photos into a square - I just uploaded 4 vertical pictures (select small size) and then arrange them in a square before I publish them. It doesn't work for horizontal because they are too wide to fit side by side. I know there are several cool things you can do with photoshop, but I've never taken the time.
Julie you guys look great. UGh, I can't believe I will be doing this again. Your kids are really cute and look so much like you(lucky..jk). Anyways, I am glad you are all healthy and you're enjoying mommyhood.
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