This morning I was looking at Ann's blog. Along with a hilarious photo of naked protesting butts was a picture of her husband, Brian, and their little boy, Colin, arriving home after a day out. The caption to this photo went like this..."Home again, home again jiggedy jig." This sent me into a flurry of nostalgia as every time we arrived home my mother would make us all laugh by singing "Home again, home again rigga jig jig!" I now do this with my own family and I was totally surprised to hear a variation of this familiar song from someone else!! I had always thought that this was my mom's own song.
"In the mist of my mind" by Al Sprague to see more of his work visit house in this painting is just like the one I grew up in at 516 Walter Reed, Fort Clayton, Panama. Ah, the memories!
Since I left the security of my parent's home bound for college so many years ago I have been surprised to learn that so many things I once thought were unique to my family aren't! It is always a funny, yet shocking moment when one of these things hits me. So I thought I'd share a few more with you.
"Hey, what are we doing in that book?"
The first time this happened was when I was in college. Hillary will remember this moment as it occured in her dorm room. She was taking this art appriciation class in which she had to memorize what seemed like hundreds of famous paintings and their artists. I was flipping throught her 6 inch thick book when I came across a picture of my mother and me!!! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How in the world could that picture of my mother and I in the garden, the picture that hung in my room for so many years, since before I could remember, be here in this textbook? Most of you may know this painting and I thought I did, it was me and my mom, right? Wrong. It was The Two Sisters by Auguste Renoir. I don't care who they really are, they are still my mom and me!
"Hey, they're singing our song!"
Another funny moment came when I was attending a BYU football game. The Cougars had just scored a touchdown and in keeping with Cougar tradition we all jumped to our feet and began singing the fight song chorus...which until that point I was unfamiliar with...or so I thought. To my total shock and surprise the entire stadium began singing my mom's wake up song! "Rise and shout the Cougars are out..." WHAT? Every morning from the dawn of my birth my mother had woken me up to this fun little ditty. How in the world did all of these people know her song? I was baffled! Incidentally, I now sing this to Michael Anne every morning too! Now Michael shouts "Go Cougars, Woot Woot!!!" on command, she is quite the BYU fan! I always tell her that SHE is my Alma Mater's daughter.
Chorus: Rise and shout, the Cougars are out along the trail to fame and glory. Rise and shout, our cheers will ring out As you unfold your victr'y story. On you go to vanquish the foe for Alma Mater's sons and daughters. As we join in song, in praise of you, our faith is strong. We'll raise our colors high in the blue And cheer our Cougars of BYU.

"The "Holy War"
Those are funny stories. Isn't it fun that we can make things our own.
When we were kids when my mom would teach us where our eyes, nose and mouth were she also taught us where our esophagus saw, just to impress people with her smart children.
While in 7th grade science class my sister Aimee was being taught new body parts when the teacher said...."Does anyone know where their esophagus is?" She was amazed to find out that it was actually a real word and that everyone had one.
That is hillarious! I think Michael might be the only 3 year old to know pretty much every part of her body, the scientific name for a dozen or more animals, and a few other things maybe a 3 year old shouldn't know just yet! That is except possibly Tl's sister's kids!!!
I have shared your stories with my parents - we all laughed and laughed! When we would come home from Jackson my dad would always sing "Home again, home again, rigidy jig". Now I say it too! Love the Esophagus story too!
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