Friday, July 6, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy Independence Day!

Nothing beats the 4th of July on a military base, especially overseas!
I am so grateful for our service men and women, past and present. Especially my brothers and their families, THANK YOU ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Love, Julie
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Funny Things I thought My Family Owned...
This morning I was looking at Ann's blog. Along with a hilarious photo of naked protesting butts was a picture of her husband, Brian, and their little boy, Colin, arriving home after a day out. The caption to this photo went like this..."Home again, home again jiggedy jig." This sent me into a flurry of nostalgia as every time we arrived home my mother would make us all laugh by singing "Home again, home again rigga jig jig!" I now do this with my own family and I was totally surprised to hear a variation of this familiar song from someone else!! I had always thought that this was my mom's own song.

The house in this painting is just like the one I grew up in at 516 Walter Reed, Fort Clayton, Panama. Ah, the memories!
Since I left the security of my parent's home bound for college so many years ago I have been surprised to learn that so many things I once thought were unique to my family aren't! It is always a funny, yet shocking moment when one of these things hits me. So I thought I'd share a few more with you.

Chorus: Rise and shout, the Cougars are out along the trail to fame and glory. Rise and shout, our cheers will ring out As you unfold your victr'y story. On you go to vanquish the foe for Alma Mater's sons and daughters. As we join in song, in praise of you, our faith is strong. We'll raise our colors high in the blue And cheer our Cougars of BYU.