Tonight I decided to take Michael Anne by Gardner Village on a whim, thinking it would be fun to walk around the shops for 30minutes or so looking at the Halloween displays. Boy was it fun!! It turned out to be a huge event, it was the annual "Witch's Night Out" and there were witches everywhere!!! Old witches, young witches, even a few baby witches and some warlocks too. There was even a scary grim reaper but I shielded Michael so she couldn't see him.
Some of the shops had cool free stuff like a fake witch finger with a long red fingernail and spider rings. Michael's favorite shop had an older witch sitting in a rocking chair telling stories and jokes. Michael loved her and her pet toad. The witch lady who told us her name but all I can remember is that her initials spelled H.A.G., said she had had a husband but preferred her toad instead. Here's one of her jokes that Michael Anne memorized almost instantly..."What do you call a witch at the beach? A sand-witch!" Hah! Here's another and my personal favorite..."Why did the demon and the ghoul hangout together? Because a demon is a ghoul's best friend!"
After a while we got some dinner there, a delicious bread bowl of potato soup, which we shared while sitting on the grass during the witch parade.
It was such a fun and relaxing Mommy & Michael evening! I loved every moment of it and she did too. I think we will make this a yearly outing, just the two of us, oops..I mean the three of us! Unless grandmas, aunts and girl cousins would like to come along...that would be great too. (actually there were plenty of little boys too)
We stayed from about 6:00 to 9:30 it was so fun!
Here is a picture of Michael Anne in her witch hat and her favorite witch, HAG, the storyteller.

1 comment:
So cute! What a fun evening!!! I too love Gardner Village. It is so cute at the shops are so fun! Plus there are good treats to eat too! Glad you had such a fun girls night out.
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