So lately we've been trying to keep Michael Anne in school. She goes to a Montessori preschool and they almost kicked her out! She is a good girl, as three year olds go, but she's too clever & knows how to play games that aren't so fun for her teachers. Thankfully she behaved VERY well yesterday. We had to bribe her with going to Red Lobster for dinner. She loves to eat macaroni & cheese with a crab claw! It is hilarious. :) Now we're working on long term good-girl behavior. She does really good school work but has a hard time with napping and rascaling the other kids while they are sleeping! So, Mom & Dad joined us and we had a really fun night with her as the center of attention, which I need to give her more of.
Today we are going on a little outing between Gen. Conference sessions to Gardner Village to see the Halloween decorations and have a tasty sampling of fudge from their candy shop. It will be fun.
My belly is getting bigger these days. My belly button is beginning to poke out too! It's pretty fun to be pregnant, aside from being sick a lot. Monday I stayed home from work because I was so sick. Derek took me to the insta-care to make sure I wasn't getting too dehydrated. They hooked me up to a few bags of i.v. juice and added some anti nausea meds. Unfortunately I had an allergic reaction to the nausea medicine and began jerking all over. It was weird to feel out of control. So then they pumped me full of Benadryl to stop the reaction. It was a fun time...I'm okay now though.
I can't stand waiting to find out if this is a girl or boy! Michael thinks it is either a girl or both, one of each. Who knows, but I WANT to know so badly that I've tried to enlist Derek into getting one of his ultrasound buddies to slip me in for a quick look at the baby's gender. So far it hasn't happened but I keep the topic alive as much as possible! Otherwise, I'm scheduled for the regular 20 week ultrasound on Nov. 1st...so far away!!!!
Some of my friends like to wait for the "Congratulations, you have a ______!" at the birth, but as for me I need to know asap. I think it helps me feel closer and more connected to the little life inside of me. That and I do have a bit of a problem with getting stressed out over the unknown or unplanned, yeah, I know that's kind of a problem when you're a mom since so much is inherently unplanned!!! Anyhow, I'm anxiously awaiting the big news. Half way in or at the end it is still a wonderful and amazing surprise!!!