Last night I went over to a friend's house & had a great time making this adorable sugar egg. When I got there I had no idea what to make. She had so many AWESOME looking eggs, how could I come up with an idea that would "do?" I was looking around at all of her MANY decorations for the eggs when I saw Scooby Do. I love Scooby Do & so do my girls so I just knew that whatever I did it had to have this "Great" Dane in it! After a bit of indecision I decided to make a garden with an Easter Bunny & a pond with a sun shining from the sky. I decided to hide Scooby in there and then I found a ton of other cute stuff to hide too. So that was my idea, to make a hide & seek egg for the kids to enjoy. Although now I don't want them to touch it!!!

Wow! Super cute. I still have the eggs the kids made. I should get them out!!
These eggs are pretty in the WORLD do you make them???
Jocelyn, a friend of mine made the eggs themselves & she also had all of the little figures, some of which she made. The egg is in 1/s so you use frosting with meringue in it to "glue" & decorate & then put the 2 1/2s together & decorate the outside.
It was really fun. Hers were really impressive!
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