Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pioneer Day Bonnets

This was a fun project to make bonnets for my girls to wear at the Pioneer Day parade this coming Saturday. Michael & Addi are so stinking cute & I think they look adorable in their bonnets! I got the pattern from the website Mother Earth News. I didn't count the hours but it definitely took me longer than the "under two hours" they claim, but I think they came out pretty well considering that I'm definitely not a seamstress! In fact, this project was sort of a "bust the sewing machine out of the box & figure out how to use it" project more than a "hey, let's make bonnets" project. It was pretty fun though & now I'm not so scared of my sewing machine!!!
Ok, so I'm really proud of these little bonnets. I don't sew much at all so these were quite a project & I'm so excited about how well they turned out. To celebrate I'm going to try linking this post to my friend's Sew&Tell blog. Wish me luck!!


Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

Great job Julie! Once you start sewing though, you'll never want to stop. It's such a feeling of accomplishment. Cute.

Lesly said...

The bonnets are so sweet - congratulations on your finish!

Michelle said...

Well done! Your little ones do look just adorable in their bonnets. :-)

p.s.phyllis sews said...

Great work! The girls look very "authentic"! Hope the success of this project gets you back to the sewing machine soon.

Larri said...

Wow! These are fabulous! I would never have picked something so tricky as a beginner project...too many curves. :o) You did a great job and should be proud. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sewing! :o)

pinksuedeshoe said...

Oh so cute! And I am impressed that this is a first project! Nice work!