Today was Addison's 6 month birthday! We have been so blessed to have her with us for an entire 1/2 year already!!!!! We love her so much, she is such a beautiful little baby and brings so much joy to our hearts and our home. She really is made of sugar and spice and everything nice!
Here is a 1/2 birthday picture of our little princess, and a few others just for fun. She seems to be developing many new tricks these days. She has recently begun to get a taste for other foods besides yummy mommy's milk. So far she's tasted cantelope, watermellon, greenbeans, banana-oatmeal cereal, and maybe one or two other things all of which she has loved! She's also begining to get the idea of crawling...she hasn't actually done it yet but she's figuring it out pretty quickly. We are proud of all she has learned and all she has brought to our family in such a short time. We LOVE you Addi!!!

Addison is a little doll!
I can't believe she is already 6 months old!!
Happy 6 monther Addi! Wow can't believe these past 6 months have flown by so quickly! She is such a sweetheart!
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