Today Michael Anne gave her first talk in Jr. Primary. When the lady called to ask her to speak I asked Michael to answer the question "Why are you grateful for your membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?" Her talk was composed entirely of her answers to this question and went like this...
"I am thankful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ because I like sharing time, it is so much fun singing. I like to learn about Book of Mormon stories. I am thankful for Jesus because he tells us to go the right way. He's a good boy, He's so helpful and so cute. Sunbeams is fun, you get to talk about Jesus and they are so nice to you. I am thankful that I will be baptized when I am 8 and that our family will be together forever. Church knows what's good for you. Church teaches me how to be a good girl. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen."
She did a fabulous job! We are very proud of our little girl. She loves church and is a good example to us all.
Next week she will participate in the ward primary program by singing and saying "I am trying to be like Jesus by being a really good girl at school." (Which, as many of you know, she has been working really, really hard at. Some may expect a more "churchie" answer like praying or family home evening or reading the scriptures, but like her talk I figured it ought to be heartfelt and real, not made up by mom or dad)
After church I told her that I would write her talk out off of the post-it-notes I wrote it on as she answered the question and put it in her journal for her so that she could show it to her children when they give their first talks. She quickly said to me, "Okay mom, but I will let them say their own words for their talk." I'm glad that she is learning to make the Gospel personal and meaningful to herself even at her young age, otherwise what good is it.
Today was a very good day. I feel very blessed.