A few months ago I signed up to be a material CUTTER, not SEWER, for our church's humanitarian projects. When they divided out the jobs guess who was asked to be a sewer...ME! So I was given the material to sew up these little bears. Sounds easy enough, but come on folks, I don't sew!!!! Well I put it off for a couple of months & then the day came this past week to take them to the church for stuffing & finishing. So I sewed them with my sewing machine about an hour before I had to be there & to my surprise they turned out pretty well. When I got to the church I was amazed to see all the work the ladies had done, they had made zillions of quilts, receiving blankets, hats, booties, nightgowns, newborn baby kits, you name it, they made it & it all looked REALLY nice & finished so beautifully!

When I sat down with about 5 or 6 of these "older" gals (they are not really old just a lot older than me) I began to realize that not all successful & productive Mormon women can sew! I think I may have had more sewing experience than all of them combined!!! Yeah! It felt good :) So we stuffed those little bears & I sewed up all of their little stuffing holes & they looked great. Some little children will love them soon & I'm glad I got to be a part of that little comfort they will bring to little hearts.
After we finished up the bears I had a little time left so I made a heart that will be given to heart patients at the hospital. Here's how it turned out.
By the way,
I've decided to stop calling myself a non-sewer. I can do it, I just don't do it too often! You can find a lot of the projects that inspire my novice self on Amy's
Sew&Tell .