Oh let's hope this is the last time she says this for the next 20 years!!!

Sunday morning Michael Anne came downstairs with a little balloon tucked under her shirt. She had a HUGE smile on her face and proclaimed that she too was having a baby! She is so cute and sweet. I'm afraid she is going to claim our little baby as her very own! She often tells me that she wants to be a mommy and a doctor. She also wants to come to the hospital when our little goo-goo, as she calls her little sister, is born. She wants to see the "bloody baby!" I guess I should stop taking her to my OB appointments...she knows way too much for a little girl who isn't quite 4 years old yet. Last time we were there we uncharacteristically had to wait a little while after going back to the exam room. To keep herself entertained she studied the female reproductive charts with a little help from mom & dad and now she is quite good at reciting the path of an egg from the "egg sack" through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus where the baby grows until it is time to be born. She's so smart and such a sponge, how can I not teach her when she is so inquisitive? The answer is I can't. Some adults would shy away at the very mention of fallopian tubes but we think we are better expalainers than the internet or other less matter-of-fact sources she may someday encounter!
For those of you that don't like the idea of talking in real terms, I'll spare you the details of her breastfeeding momment from last Sunday when she decided that her baby doll was hungry and needed some "mother's milk" in the middle of sacrament meeting!