Saturday, January 26, 2008

Did I ever post this? Don't think so...

Michael got her first haircut at the "Beauty Shop" back in December. You can't really see how much they cut off but it was a good 6 inches or so. She had a great time and they sent us this cool certificate to commemorate the event. In the black box is a little bag of her hair, on the real one.

Email photos - ouch!

If you're having a bad day just could be worse!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fun at the Mall

We had a few fun days at the mall during the holidays. Here is a picture of Michael sporting one of the cute scarves that Nicolle gave her for her birthday while riding the carousel and one of Michael and her cousins riding the .50 rides another day.

More Play Dough

Play time at Home

The last few days have been very nice. Derek was asked to go up to Huntsman for a few days to help out with staffing shortages. So I got to stay home with Michael Anne on Wed, Thurs, & Friday. It was really fun. We found a lot of great stuff to do including playing with one of her birthday gifts that she had picked out of a catalog. When she saw it she asked me if it could be my gift to her for her birthday and it has turned out to be so much fun, it's a play dough kit. Here are a few pictures from a this morning's playtime.

Michael's 4th Birthday!

We had a fun party with our families to celebrate Michael Anne's 4th birthday. She was so cute. I wish I had a picture (maybe I do) of her outfit she dressed herself in just before everyone was to arrive. Somehow I convinced her to change from this "most beautiful party dress" to another much more appropriate but still beautiful one! I'll have to find that picture and post it today too.
She was the perfect birthday princess and really loved having her grandparents, aunts & uncles, and cousins at our home to celebrate with her. We were glad too. I worry that her birthday will get swallowed up in the Christmas rush but so far we've been able to have a nice, separate party for her each year. Thanks to everyone who brought/sent birthday cards and gifts...she was really thrilled!